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Macro Anamorphic Primes


Panavision Macro Anamorphic Prime (MAP) lenses include five focal lengths from 55mm to 250mm. The three longest focal lengths share a common speed of T3.2, whilst the 55mm and the 90mm offer maximum apertures of T2.5 and T4.3, respectively. Close focus across the range varies from 10 to 29 inches.

Product Details

Focal Length T-Stop Close Focus (cm)(in) Weight (kgs)(lbs) Length (cm)(in) Front Diameter (mm)(in)
55 2.5 25.410 2.76 15.476.09 93.73.69
90 4.3 43.217 1.43 10.924.3 1084.25
150 3.2 43.217 2.86.1 18.87.4 111.14.375
200 3.2 45.718 2.65.7 18.87.4 111.14.375
250 3.2 73.729 2.76 18.87.4 111.14.375